This artisanal yarn is a unique blend of the wool of three British sheep breeds known for their beautiful fleeces, Southdown, Bluefaced Leicester and Shetland, creating a fabulously soft white yarn with bounce and spring.
This sport weight yarn is made of 4 plies worsted spun to create a bouncy, airy fibre.
Wold Sport is hand-dyed here at our dye studio, A Room Of My own, on the natural, undyed, non-superwash, white yarn. Wold takes colour exceptionally well, producing strong, semi-solid shades.
An edible if unappealing plant, Dock, grows rampant in the fields of Monkley Ghyll. Fortunately sheep love the taste and tuck into the leaves of the Dock plant whenever they come across one. However as autumn approaches the flowers of the Dock turn to seed and turn a deep earthy red, and form an elegant silhouette standing high above the grass around it.